During an intense acting workshop, involving various performing disciplines, we shared a creative experience with our fellow artists from Moscow. Inspired by the ancient Greek myth of Ulysses and the modern history of Russian Astronautics, we have created a performance for children, in public space. The ingenuity of Cardoardia’s scenographers added a unique artistic touch to the result. By the end of the workshops’ period, all participants (both from acting & scenography) were part of the performance and together, as one single team, we met our young spectators.
The interactive aspect of the performance, along with the fact that it finally took place in the public space, created an incredible ambience of something way more important than a simple theatre play. The public square in front of Moskwich Cultural Center became a place of gathering, sharing and meaningful coexistence, filled with children laughter and adult smiles.
But as the title dictates, our journey is not bound to end here… In fact, it has just begun. Together with Cardboardia, Motus Terrae is already focusing on how to make it possible for the project to travel around the globe, in order to meet new people through the workshops and share even more with children from other countries, using the international ‘language’ of theatre.
Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be performing at your city…